With wedding season in full swing some of you might be busy making preparations to host a wedding at home. Lots to do – marquees, generators, loos, wet weather plans – but hopefully also some time to enjoy thinking about the décor and those finishing touches.
As the sun sets down – and it will be a sunny day for you – it’s time for your lighting to come into its own and create a magical setting. Our first wedding customer last year bought heaps of our fairy lights to create lighting perfection at her venue. In her honour we have created a wedding specific lighting offer with ten sets of fairy lights for £225 in one of our wooden storage boxes for safe keeping.
Whilst many of your guests might be working up a glow on the dancefloor, others may be touched to know you’ve left some blankets at each table to throw over cold shoulders. We supply six of our classic pure wool blankets rolled and stored in our wooden boxes, a great option to pop near tables or around your venue for guests to help themselves. Each blanket alone would normally be £40 but for our wedding bundles we provide six blankets and the wooden storage box for £200.
Finally, as lighting is our thing, if you’re wondering about a really cost effective table decoration what about a glass jar filled with our delicate very decorative wire lights?
Good luck and enjoy the preparations for your home wedding. If you see any other products on our site that you think might work for your wedding and would like to discuss a larger order discount then please do get in touch with us at hello@gardenglow.uk